Thursday 29 January 2015

Lekker Poeding

3 Koppies Warm Melk
1 Koppie Suiker
1 Koppie Brood Krummels
3 Ryp Piesangs
Bietjie Sout
4 Eiers
2 Eetlepels Appelkooskonfyt

SKei die 2 eiers. Meng die gele 2 heel eiers met die warm melk.  Voeg suiker by, krummels en fyn gedrukte piesangs, geursel, sout en meng goed.  Bak in matige oond tot gaar.  Smeer konfyt oor.  Daarna die styfgeklopte wit van die 2 eiers waarin 3/4 koppie suiker gevoeg is.  Bak bruin in stagide oond.

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Korslose Melktert

4 Koppies Melk
1 Koppie Meelblom
1 Koppie Suiker
1 Teelepel Bakpoeier
2 Eetlepels Botter
3 Eiers geskei
Bietjie Vanielje
Bietjie Sout

Klits die eierwitte styf.  Smelt die botter en meng met suiker en eiergele. Voeg bakpoeier by meelblom en sif dit by die eiermengsel.  Voeg dan die melk en vanielje by en klits baie goed met eierklitser.  Vou nou die styf geklopte eierwitte in en roer goed deur.  Gooi in 2 vuurvaste bakke en bak tot gaar.

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek

Friday 2 January 2015

Gemmer Poeding

3 Koppies Meel
3 Teelepels Koeksoda
2 Teelepels Bakpoeier
2 Groot Eetlepels Appelkoos Konfyt
1 Koppie Stroop
1 Teelepel Hoogvol Gemmer
1/2 Koppie Botter
3 Eiers
Knippie Sout

6 Koppie Water
3 Koppies Suiker
2 Eetlepels Gemmer
1 Eetlepel Botter

Laat stroop kook.  Maak al die bestandele aan met melk en sit in kookende stroop.  Kook in pot met deksel op tot gaar.  Bedien met vla.

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek

Thursday 1 January 2015

Karamel Sous

1/2 Koppie Botter 
1/2 Koppie Suiker

Braai in kastrol tot ligbruin, Voeg 1 koppie kookwater by.  Neem 1/2 teelepel mielieblom gemeng met 'n klein bietjie water en voeg by mengsel.  Kook vir ongeveer 3 min.  Bedien koud.

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek

Saturday 3 May 2014


Last night was “shooter” night, so I invited some friends over to my place for a couple of drinks. Each had to bring some ingredients that we could use in making and experimenting with some Truly South African Shooter recipes.

Earlier that day I had however already made a shooter recipe called“Melktertjies”. Here is the recipe that I used - Ingredients: 300ml Vodka, One tin of condensed milk, +190ml evaporated milk, Ground cinnamon for top. Method: Pour the ingredients into a 1 litre bottle and shake well, Keep in fridge, Shake well before pouring into shooter glasses, Sprinkle each melktertjie with ground cinnamon and serve chilled.

This shooter was our “start-up” shooter for the evening. Some really interesting and delicious shooters followed after this. Here are some of them:

Amarula B52 – Ingredients: ½ tot Kahlua, ½ tot Amarula Cream, ½ tot Gran Marnier.Method: Layer all ingredients into a tot glass, Kahlua first, then the Amarula Cream and then the Gran Marnier.

Springbokkies – Ingredients: Amarula Cream, Peppermint liqueur. Method: Layer in a shot glass, First the Peppermint liqueur and then the Amarula Cream. If you add the Amarula slowly it will not mix with the mint liqueur layer, resulting in the perfect Springbokkie.

Amarula Mexican Elephant – Ingredients: 30ml Amarula Cream, 30ml Coffee Flavoured Tequila. Method: Layer in a double shot-glass, First pour the coffee flavoured tequila, Then gently pour the Amarula so it forms a distinct layer above the tequila. Drink all at once to taste the combined flavours.

Sowetan Toilet – Ingredients: ¾ Banana liqueur, ¼  Amarula, Nachtmusik Chocolate Liqueur. Method: Start with Banana Liqueur, Amarula, and a drop of Nachtmusik

We ended the evening of with a coffee.

Amarula Coffee Surprise – Ingredients: 4 Cups strong filter coffee, 50ml whipped cream, 60ml Amarula Cream, 8 Marshmallows, 20ml Brown sugar, 20ml Hot chocolate powder.Method: Pour the coffee in large coffee mugs, Pour the Amarula Cream in each coffee, Followed by the whipped cream, Brown sugar and marshmallows, Sprinkle with hot chocolate powder and extra Amarula Cream.

Friday 2 May 2014

Pumpkin Bread

250ml Sugar
125ml Vegetable Oil
2 Eggs
5ml Salt
2ml Ground Nutmeg
2ml Ground Cinnamon
125ml Water
250ml Pumpkin (cold, cooked and mashed)
375ml Cake Flour
7ml Bicarbonate of Soda
100g Chopped Pecan Nuts (I used Almonds)

Place all the ingredients in a mixer bowl. Mix until combined. Spoon the batter into a greased 10 x 22 cm loaf tin. Top with some whole Pecan Nuts. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 1 hour.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Chocolate Cupcakes

Ingredients: 4 eggs, 250 ml sugar, 375 ml cake flour, 50 ml cocoa powder, 15 ml baking powder, 2 ml salt, 125 ml strong black coffee, 125 ml cooking oil, 5 ml peppermint liqueur.

Method: Whisk the eggs and sugar together until light and fluffy.  Sift the dry ingredients and gently fold into mixture, with coffee, oil and peppermint liqueur. Spoon into greased muffin tins, filling each two-thirds full. Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 15 – 20 minutes.  Leave for a few minutes in tins before turning out onto a wire rack to continue cooling.

Icing Ingredients: 125 g butter, 375 ml icing sugar, 30 ml cocoa powder, 5 ml vanilla essence, 3 ml peppermint liqueur.

Ice cupcakes after it has cooled down and enjoy.

This is one of my absolute favourite puddings and so easy to make.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Boontjie Soup

My mind was set on making something totally different this weekend, but with the cold weather that we are currently experiencing in Kimberley, all I could think of and wanted was a nice hot cup of homemade soup to warm up this freezing body of mine. So I decided to make a classic favourite for most Sourth Africans – yes you’ve guessed it, I made  BOONTJIE SOP, then I added some homemade bread with butter and, wa-la, I had my winter comfort food. I even had some of the left-over soup for breakfast this morning.

200g sugar beans
3 mutton or pork shanks
3 rashers of bacon
1.5 liters of water
30ml butter or margarine
1 onion, finely chopped
2 stalks celery, finely chopped
1 medium carrot, thinly sliced
15ml salt
2ml milled pepper

Cover beans with cold water and soak overnight, Take a large pot put the meat and bacon in the water and boil until the meat is tender, Saute onion, celery and carrot in butter a frying pan for 3 minutes, Add the saute’d vegetables and the beans to the meat.

Cook for 30 minutes, add the salt and pepper.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Malva Pudding

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of margarine, 1 cup of sugar, 1 egg, beaten, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspooon bicarbonate of soda, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon smooth apricot jam, 1 cup flour, ¼ teaspoon salt.
For the sause: 1 cup sugar, 1 cup cream, ½ cup boiling water, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Method: Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy.  Add beaten egg and vinegar, mixing well.  Stir bicarb into the milk. Add apricot jam.  Mix the soda and milk mixture into the butter and sugar mixture.  Sift flour with salt.  Add to the butter and sugar mixture.  Mix well.  Turn mixture into a greased ovenproofed dish. Place in a pregeated oven at 180 and bake for 40 min.

For sauce:  Mi together sugar, cream, milk, boiling water and vanilla essence.  Boil over low heat for 20min, stirring all the time.

Friday 11 April 2014


I love saying this word - Chakalaka!

Chakalaka is a spicy relish, that is Truly South African and goes perfect with a traditional braai. It is also extremely easy to make.

Just make a gravy from chopped tomato and onion. Add grated carrot, chilies, garlic, a bit of grated cabbage, baked beans, cauliflower and some curry powder.

Cook until soft and there you have it – a delicious relish that brightens up and spice up any braai.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Biltong Potjie

I know nothing beats a South African braai over a weekend, but I wanted to make something different, so I decided to make Potjiekos.

Yes, I know, that sounds really good, but I didn’t want to make just any old potjie, I wanted to make a Biltong Potjie. You can’t get much more “Truly South African” than that.

Before I begin, this recipe is a real treat and one of my absolute favourites, but it is very rich.

6 onions chopped
500g of button mushrooms
1/2 kg of cut (wet) biltong
500g of screw type noodles.
1 green pepper
1 red pepper
1 can of pit mielies ( NOT THE CREAMY ONE)
1l of fresh cream.
Loads of grated cheese.

Method: Cook noodle on stove, Fry onions and mushrooms in potjie on coals, Sprinkle a handful of biltong in the potjie, Put half the cooked noodles on top of biltong in potjie, Add rest of the biltong, Add rest of the noodles, Sprinkle in peppers and mielies, Add 1 litre of fresh cream and grated cheese. Close potjie and cook for 10 minutes. Eat Immediately.

Easy, quick, tasty, rich, creamy, delicious, what more can I say – so get that fire going, take out your potjie and enjoy a BILTONG POTJIE this coming weekend. Believe me when I say, you will LOVE this one – I sure did.

Monday 16 September 2013

Doek Poeding

6 eiers
½lb botter
1 koppie suiker
3 koppies meelblom
½ pakkie koeksoda
½lb dadels
½lb gemengde vrugte
1 eetlepelsd gemmer
2 teelepels bakpoeier
2 eetlepels appelkoos konfyt
Bietjie sout
Geursel na smaal

Room eiers, botter en suiker.  Maak dadels sag met bietjie lou melk.  Laat vrugte rukkie in lou water staan.  Meng nou alles met droe bestandele.  Los ½ pakkie koeksoda in bietjie melk op.  Voeg by deeg mengsel.  Roer goed.  Gooi in goed gesmeerde poeding sak.  Kook in kastrol met kookwater vir 3 ure.  Bedien met kaneel sous.

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek

Friday 13 September 2013

Harde Koekies

12 koppies meelblom
5 koppies suiker
2 koppies klapper
6 eiers
1lb botter
12 teelepels bakpoeier
Lemoen olie na smaal
Bietjie sout

Room botter, suiker en eiers goed.  Meng droe bestandele. Voeg eier mengsel by.  Knie goed. Rol uit en bak op 175.

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek

Thursday 12 September 2013

Lekker Koek Vulsel

1 koppie versier suiker
1 eetlepel appelkoos konfyt (fyn)
2 eetlepels botter

Meng goed en smeer tussen koeke

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Krenadella Yskas Tert

1 blik onversoete melk, koud gemaak in yskas
1 klein blikkie krenadella moes
1 pakkie suurlemoen jelly
1 koppie kookwater
½ koppie suiker
2 pakkies tennis beskuitjies

Klop melk styf, Voeg suiker bietjie vir bietjie by.  Voeg krenadella moes by. Maak jelly met 1 koppie kook water aan en laat afkoel.  Voeg dan by die melk mengsel.  Plaas laag beskuitjies in plat bak,  Gooi nou laag van mengsel. Dan weer 'n laag beskuitjies en dan weer 'n laag mengsel.  Krumel in paar van die beskuitjies fyn en strooi oor tert.  Laat staan vir 15min voor u dit in yskas bere.

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Bruin Poeding

2 Koppies Meelblom
1 en 'n half eetlepels botter
1 en 'n half eetlepels stroop
1 teelepel koeksoda aangemaak met 1 koppie melk

Bak in bak skottel tot gaar en bedien dan met vla

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek

Monday 9 September 2013

Tert Deeg

4 koppies meelblom
1lb botter
1 bottel sodawater (klein)

Vryf botter goed in meelblom.  Gooi soda water by.  Knie goed deur.  Bere in yskas. Bak die volgende more.

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek

Friday 6 September 2013


My Ouma Sybil in Dannabaai maak die lekkerste skons. 

Bestandele: 2 koppies meel, 4 teelepels bakpoeier, 1/2 teelepel sout, ongeveer 'n kwart margarine, halwe koppie yskoue water, 2 teelepels suurlemoen sap.

Metode: Meng al die droe bestandele, vryf botter goed in. Voeg dan die water met suurlemoensap by, moet nie die deeg te slap aanmaak nie. Druk die skons op 'n tafel wat uit wat met meel gestrooi is, sodat jou deeg nie vassit nie.

Smeer 'n geklitste eier oor en bak dan vir 20 na 30 minute op 180 grade.

Resep uit Ouma Sybil se resepte boek

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Dadel Brood

Bestandele: 1 koppie suiker, 4 koppies meelblom, 3 teelepels koeksoda, 1 teelepel sout, 2 eiers, 1/4lb dadels, 1/4lb margarine, gemmer pypkaneel, neut.

Metode: Meng alle betandele goed, gooi in gesmeerde pan en bak tot gaar.

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Gemmer Bier

Bestandele: 12 Bottels Koue Water, 3lb Suiker, 1 Koekie Yeast, 1 Handvol Rosyntjies, 1 Teelepel Cream of Tarter, 2 Eetlepels Gemmer.

Metode: Maak suiker, yeast, cream of tarter deurmekaar. Gooi by 12 bottels koue water in n emmer. Gooi rosyntjies by. Maak toe en wag 'n dag totdat die rosyntjies bo dryf.

Resep uit Ouma Magda se resepte boek